Tuesday 4 December 2012

Tater Sacks

So now here's an awesome product - Livingseeds "Tater Sacks"!  

For those of us that want the enjoyment of growing our own food, growing potatoes in a hessian sack is perfect for the small garden or balcony.  I purchased one at the Night Market on Friday night at The Shed on Route 59 and have been itching to get it going. But alas, we have had four days of none stop rain!  So waking up this morning to a beautiful sunny day I jumped at the chance of getting my "Tater Sack" going. The "Tater Sack" kit consists of the hessian sack and two class 1 seed potatoes.

The instructions are provided and lucky for me I already had a bag of compost in the garage.  Now, I was rather surprised at exactly how large the hessian sack is.

Rolling it down was easy, and an important tip here is to place your sack exactly where you want it, with a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight a day.  The reason - the bag gets really heavy as your potatoes grow and you continue to fill the bag with compost.

Next step - fill your sack with half a bag of compost.

And then bury your two potatoes that are part of the kit, about 5cm deep. Then water,  I didn't have to do that as by this time the rain was back again. And now the waiting game begins, the instructions say it can take up to 3 weeks for the spuds to start growing.  So watch this space, I will report back as soon as they start growing.


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