Wednesday 24 October 2012

Karoo Kraal Restaurant

Eating at Karoo Kraal is such a fabulous experience, on the menu is traditional Boerekos, cooked and served outdoors around huge big bonfires.  Tables and benches are grouped around the fires and food is served in tin mugs and tin plates, ah....what an experience. 

A group of us make a booking and like all great things, directions are given not by street names, but rather like what to look out for.  "Take the road out of Cradock, go over the river and turn left at the next street, go down this road until you see lights in the trees on the right hand side, there you will find Karoo Kraal."  And yes, we found it!! 


We take out cooler boxes and get some tin mugs and a table, smelling the fire and the wonderful aroma of roosterkoek (bread rolls). Every now and again one of us goes to check on the preparations of the the roosterkoek, because by now we are starving! 

Now eating the roosterkoek with the boeresop (soup) is delicious but, oh boy, with butter and jam they are something else.  The tip here is not to eat too many or you wont have space for anything else!


We tuck into the rest of the meal with pure delight, the Kudu fillets are exceptional!  And we have just got enough space to have a koeksister or two.  Oh my....what an evening!!



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