Friday 26 October 2012

Mountain Zebra National Park

We arrive at the Mountain Zebra National Park on a beautiful hot Octobers day, it's not far from Cradock, along the R61.  The park was proclaimed in 1937 and has an interesting history, you can read all about it on SANParks website. We pay our entrance fees and head out driving slowly in convoy.  The stark landscape opens before us, stretching for miles, yellow sand, thorn bushes everywhere, blue mountains in the background through the haze of the day.  I often ask myself how a countryside can be so harsh and beautiful at the same time, to me that is exactly what the Karoo is all about. We were very fortunate to see some Cape buffalo, Zebra, Buck and Monkey. 

We stop over at the restaurant for a light lunch (really good toasted sandwiches) and browse through the curio shop before heading on back to Cradock.

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