Tuesday 30 October 2012

NeighbourGoods Market

So along came Saturday and the weather was not really great, so what to do?  Hum....how about the Neighbourgoods market in Braamfontein!  Yes please!!

So now we don't exactly know where it is, but Braamfontein is not that big so we take a drive.  Driving along we see people with packets and food boxes and figure that they must have come from the market, and yes, we were right.  After finding parking we get directions from the car guard as to where the entrance is and off we go.

Its all part of the urban regeneration within the inner city of Joburg, although the market is in a building, the surrounding area has coffee shops, art galleries, the famous Kitchener's Pub and some interesting sculptures on the pavement of Juta street.

The market is a buzz right from the walk at the entrance, what a vibe!!  Look around, grab something to drink and to eat and go upstairs onto the open rooftop area and chill.  There are loads of food stores and its hard to decide what to eat. We settled for a glass of wine and the Jamaican Delights, burger for him and chicken for me, yum!!  With coconut and lemon cupcakes for after.  Oh and its open on a Saturday between 09h00 and 15h00.



and just outside

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